Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Might Call Me Longwinded

But not today.

I just saw this cartoon posted over at Sociological Images, which pretty much makes the point I attempted to make in this post, only a lot more succinctly and effectively:

I repeat, "All Wonder Woman got were hooker boots and a bathing suit. What the f*ck was that about?" (George Lass from Dead Like Me)


  1. Sooo true. So frustrating but soo true.

  2. I am OBSESSED with Sociological Images now and it's all thanks to you. Not to mention it's thoroughly relevant to my line of work. Loves.

  3. Isn't it, Allie? No wonder there aren't moe females who are into comics. What is there to relate to?? (hint: NOTHING)

    And YAY!! I am sooo glad, Kathi! Is it weird I derive joy from getting people addicted to the same things I am? But it's true, at least this addiction makes me feel like I am feeding my mind and raising my awareness of Yeah.


Creative Commons License
You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at