Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Six Items or Less, Part 4: The Limited

It's day 16 of Six Items or Less. Thankfully, I am more than halfway through the challenge! Huzzah!

The experience thus far certainly hasn't been terrible. It takes a lot of the guesswork out of daily dressing, which definitely makes mornings easier. But also less fun. I have played (somewhat) with accessories, but I still really revert back to my tried and trues, which means there is very little creativity going on. Now that the weather is warming up, I decided to switch out my winter clothes while also completing a sizable wardrobe purge. So now I'm tempted by all the "new" clothes just sitting there in my drawers forlornly, waiting to be worn.

Sticking to my six has been pretty easy. Boring, yes, but easy. It really is a thoughtless habit now. The most that goes into it is thinking "what did I wear yesterday?" and then making sure I don't wear that.

Getting dressed, though, has never really been that much of an ordeal for me. At least not on the daily - give me some sort of special occasion and that's a whole 'nother story. Then I can't decide what is appropriate for this type of event, I need to canvas my friends and family that are attending and see what they're wearing, check the weather forecast to plan ahead, figure out if the venue will be air conditioned or heated and how my body will spazz accordingly, if my bag is big enough to fit a sweater just in case I guess wrong, yadda, yadda, yadda. Then I get there and usually decide I previously decided all wrong.

But everyday dressing? I always start with jeans. I used to wear nice slacks to work, but then I didn't care so much and realized most everyone else wears jeans daily too. So then you just slap on a shirt, maybe add a cardigan and voila! Sure, I have days when I feel like I have nothing to wear. But usually there is something I can throw on to at least look moderately presentable and then I'm good to go.

With being limited to six items I do always know I have something to wear, it's just not particularly exciting when the choice is solely between three tops. I'm no snazzy fashionista, that's for sure. I generally don't dress like a schlub, either. I do, however, like having a choice in the morning of what I'm going to wear. It kind of helps set the tone for my day. Putting mindful thought into my clothing is like a set up for putting mindful thought into my day. Right now, getting dressed is very mindless. And while it does reflect my day job perfectly (ahem), I will be happy for the clothing shackles to come off.

This is what comes up when I google image search "snazzy fashionista." I can only hope to someday live up to not-so-baby Suri's style standards.


  1. I'm curious, have you told people at your office that you are doing this challenge? And man it makes me miss the days I wore a uniform to school. Soooo easyy... and oh yeah, special events drive me crazyy. Just ask Kath.

  2. Nope! I wanted to see if they noticed/said anything. Though, that was when I originally hoped I'd get more creative with accessories (which hasn't happened), which would hopefully distract them from realizing I've worn a certain shirt 3 times in a week. So they may all privately be thinking I'm gicky.

    And I will NOT be missing this uniform, I can tell you that!!


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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