Saturday, April 2, 2011

Six Items or Less, Part 3: Item Challenged

Alright, last nights wine consumption won out over posting my six items. But today is a new day!

Item One. A white shirt. This was my wisest decision, top wise.

Item Two. A floral print shirt. Quite nice, but it certainly stand out more than, say, a black t-shirt.

Item Three. Trouser jeans. Work-appropriate and casual!

Item Four. Black Cardigan. Nice choice. Wish I had chosen another to swap around with.

Item Five. Dark skinny jeans. Or boot cut. I don't really know. Also versatile.

Item Six. Blue striped button-down. Because that can be worn...Oh-so-many different ways. What was I thinking?

There are my six. You can see how this is perhaps a little more challenging, yes? Even adding a belt or some snappy earrings it's still pretty apparent I am wearing the same shirt I did Monday and Wednesday. I may be judged. I may be looked at suspiciously by my family and the people I work with...but I will persevere! 

And really, they can't complain too much. This challenge could've been much worse. For instance, Zero Items or Less. Don't ask me what less would be. I don't even want to think about it.


  1. no, but I'm curious... what would the "or less" be? How can you have negative clothing? Is that possible? We could get into a serious (or not) philosophical discussion over this.

    Also, I'm very glad the wine won out. It always should. Unless of course, you ever become an alcoholic (doubtful), in which case the wine should NOT win.

  2. I'm really not sure. Would 'or less' mean you also have to shave every hair from your body? Go without skin? Just be this mass of exposed muscle and have all of your organs precariously hanging about? Or, since in six items or less underwear doesn't count, in zero items or less you could wear underwear and 'or less' means you're flouncing around in just your birthday suit?

    Agreed. Wine will never conquer, but I will always let it win!

  3. Haha! That green one is going to end up being a headband by the end.

  4. Hahaha, that will be my headband and then I'll spice it up even more by wearing the button-down backwards, and I'll makeshift the white top into a skirt! Voila! A true vision!

  5. I loooveee the white shirt!! And of course the dark trousers. Though yes, the green one might cause issues... I guess I will have to keep reading! :D


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