Friday, July 22, 2011

Jehovah! There, I said it!

So, uh, It's been a while, huh? See, you know, the thing is, at work here, we've lost two people. Well, we didn't lose them, so much as they left. That'd be really strange right? I mean this building is pretty big, but I don't think it's big enough to actually lose people. Though you could totally have a rockin' game of hide and seek. Especially, like, if not everyone's key card can get into a certain part of the building as yours can, then you'd probably most definitely win. I don't know why we've never done that actually? We've played games like "find the pipette," and "pin the other-sciencey-pointy-instrument-I-can't-remember-the-name-of-because-I-am-decidedly-un-sciencey on the target." So why not "find the people"? Maybe it dounds too close to "find the bodies" and that could give people the wrong idea. Also, if it was during work hours, it could be really awkward if you're hiding under someone's desk while they're still working. Especially if they forgot and then crossed their legs and kicked you in the nose. I don't think I'd like that game anymore. Hmm.

Anyway, I was going to post a couple times, but I realized they weren't so much nice posts, as me arguing at you, dear reader. Yes, at you. Not with you, or to you. Just at. And who wants that? I thought it was safe to say it probably wasn't any of you. However, should you like me to one sidedly express my newly found and articulated opinion at you like I'm some sort of vertical wind tunnel and you're an indoor sky diver, just gimme a holler and I'll be your girl!

I was actually going to try and go from here and shape this up into a real post, but my liesurely morning at work has given way to a Monty Python's stoning worth of work. Which, as you can imagine, is quite a lot.

So, that's it! The end!

Update: It has recently come to my attention that I do not know the alphabet. Not only did I sing it incorrectly to a three year old (although, to be fair, it was the part that comes after all the letters I screwed up), but also, just now, in putting the stoning load of reports I have in alphabetical order, I put the 'R's aaaall the way after 'T' and 'W' before 'V.' I have officially failed English. Forever. I am shamed.

Update Take 2: I've also just learned I am not a competant skirt wearer. I haven't worn a skirt to work in nearly two years, but it's so daggum got outside I made the lack-of-effort today. Lo-and-behold I've been wearing it backwards all day. Life - 2; Sarah - 0.

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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