Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hair Raising Experiences

As part of my "going natural" campaign of sorts, I've been using natural shampoo and conditioner. This, however, doesn't jive well with hard water. In fact, it generally leaves my hair looking, and feeling, like this:

Proof of Robert Smith of the Cure's life long battle with hard water

When all I really want is for my hair to look like, oh, I don't know, this?:

I don't think I'm asking too much

I've been doing some research, and it appears my best line of defense will be purchasing a water softener/filter for my shower head.

Of course, this means I must spend money. This displeases me. Especially since, as I'm living at home, if the water filter screws up my mom's hair, well, sionara water softener! Understandable, but a total bummer, assuming the darn thing even works.

But I've pretty much made up my mind to buy one. I'll just be biding my time until my next paycheck, and perhaps when my mother returns from Vegas to just...double check with her. (Yes, my mom in currently in Las Vegas! I know, completely unfair right? While I'm stuck here in this dim, converted maintenance closet...ahem...). I'll let you know if it takes my hair from this:

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

Shampoo, meet Robert Pattinson. Robet Pattinson, Shampoo.

The Flinstones didn't have to worry about hard water

To...hopefully, please-god-oh-please!, this:


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