Tuesday, July 5, 2011

If I Was A Blade I'd Shave You Smooth

After being all nervous about my long weekend away, I am pleased to report back it was an absolutely fantastic weekend, and the only thing I should've been afraid of is this ridiculous sunburn I now have on my legs!

I also learned I am completely off my partying game. I need to go back to college and re-learn this skill. Both nights I was practically comotose by midnight. It was a little pathetic, actually.

Me, though instead of clumsy, I'm just asleep

My body is so accustomed to being in bed by 10pm every night (yep, even on most weekends), that it literally just starts shutting down regardless of my wishes. And then it makes me cranky because it's being such a stubborn whiny baby, but does it care that I want to stay up and have fun? No, no it doesn't. It better get on my page because we're doing it again this weekend, Body! Hoorah!

So. There was much sun, much sand, and much fun! I missed my lovely friends. I wish we could do this every weekend. It'd be for my own good. I need to re-train my body that sometimes it has to operate on less than 8 hours of sleep, and it had better like it, damnit!

So this weekend I'll be heading back down the Cape, and I can't wait! This time I will try to drink more coffee for a boost, and keep moving so my body doesn't slip into a physical coma again. You have no idea how inconvenient coma's are. It's unbearable.

Now I think I shall leave you with the songs I have been obsessively listening to on repeat!

Jessie J - Price Tag ft. B.o.B.

Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude

Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect (are you sensing a pattern?)

And, finally, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals - Paris (Ooh La La)

There you have it! My ear-gasmic aural candy! I hope you enjoy!

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at sasslikeyoubreathe.blogspot.com.