Friday, July 29, 2011

Gap v2.0

Since I've gotten on this health kick, I've lost all the weight quitting the pill made me gain and then some. This is fine (I can't say I'm not pleased my old favorite jeans fit again, but weight loss really wasn't the goal, just being healthier was), except now most of my pants don't fit. I feel like Alice in Wonderland, only my clothes didn't make the magical journey with me.

Which has got me thinking. I need new pants. The new pants I'd really like are Gap's curvy jeans. The only problem is the price. Not only am I cheap, but I'm poor, compounding the former issue quite a bit. I've tried going to thrift stores like Saver's to find the perfect jean, but it's just so...skim or miss. You never really hit, or, at least, I never do. Mostly because I have several necessary requirements in purchasing pants/jeans:

1. They MUST come in "long." I am a tall chiquita, and "regular" length just doesn't cut it. Especially if they accidentally get dried in the dryer. All bets are off then. My favorite jeans have suddenly been transformed into some horrible joke of capris, that all other capris point and laugh at and make fun of. Which is very telling, because, capris? Really? They're usually the bad joke of the pants world and shouldn't be doin' no laughin'.

2. Curvy fit. Now that jeans makers actually acknowledge this is a real body shape, they're actually making jeans that GASP, fit me! I no longer have to constantly wear a belt, which pulls the top jean fabric in, giving my crotch a less-than-desired rumple effect. I was going to post a googled picture, but apparently "belted jeans awkward crotch" isn't an effective search term. Also, it's highly likely no one has ever posted such a  picture to the interwebs, because hey, who wants people to know they have an awkward crotch?

Those are my main criterion. Gap, lovies that they are, tick both these off with style and dark washes. If ONLY they were more affordable for my sad, pathetic, vacant little wallet.

This is when it struck me.

A genius idea, which should be put into effect IMMEDIATELY.

Y'see, a while back I got up in arms over stores like Victoria's Secret, H&M, Macy's, and MORE that would cut up articles of clothing returned to them, just so no one else could have 'em. Now, I could understand VS doing this to underwear and bras 'cause that ish is nasty. But $70, never-been-worn sweatpants? What a mother effin' waste!! I was irate. And while I've never bought anything more than their "5 for $25!" underwear, I vowed never to do so again.

I thought, "Why in the world would these big brand stores cut up clothing and throw it out?? Why don't they put it back on the shelves? Why do they throw it out at ALL? If they aren't going to re-sell an item, they could at least DONATE it, damnit!!"

But, apparently, big chain stores are like the big, sobby babies of the retail playground. They'd rather break their favorite toy than let anyone else play with it. I may be going out on a limb here, but I'm thinking those karma points you'd get donating those "PINK" sweatpants to some sort of shelter would be well worth the $70 loss (it's not like your karma cup floweth over, if you know what I mean?).

Anyway! There is a solution, methinks, betwixt all this selfishness and hoarding. Why don't you big ol' chain stores open up your very own second hand shops?? C'mon now! It makes perfect sense! You don't donate clothing to Salvation Army because you don't want someone else to make money off your product, and you cut them up before throwing them out so people can't dumpster dive and wear your ish for free. But, if you have your own second hand store, you can re-sell returned items at a fraction of the cost, still make money off your own clothing, and not be such big huge ugly wasters!! Because seriously, I would SO shop there!

And look, it's not like by having a second hand shop people would stop buying your full price merchandise at your normal store fronts. Nay! Many people get freaked out by second hand clothing, and others have money to burn and are kind of obnoxious about status and brands and what have you, so see?? We all make out on this deal!

You don't lose - people will shop full price, and what you would've just chopped and tossed
 will now bring in money too! And I win because THAT means I could actually afford a couple pairs of your regularly $50+ jeans! And I won't feel guilty about it! Probably!

Hurrah! So! Let's get this sucker moving, shall we? Mama needs new long curvy jeans and her eyes are set on you, baby!

You can thank me later.


  1. You should check out outlets (like the wrenthem outlets) for the Gap. I know they have them. And they are generally cheaper. Just an idea, before the big 'ol chains start your awesome idea.

  2. Lol I just read all the posts I've missed over the last month. I am way behind in this blogging ness thing. I was a bit confused on some posts but will have to ask you later about them. Also, I know you're not entirely a fan, but if you get a Gap credit card, they send you coupons or discounts, which about once every year, I take advantage of to buy my jeans because gap is the only place that makes jeans that fit and are comfortable for me. (not too tight, not loose in the back either). I know I've told you about it before, and know that I rarely do go clothing shopping. When I do, especially when I shop at the gap, I use the card to get the discounts/sales etc and then I pay off the amount pretty quickly. I loove getting the $10 off coupons, that always helps me. But yeah, it'd be smart of the big chains not to waste clothing and give them to places like you said. But that'd be smart right? How could they do something smart?

  3. Emily: Thanks! I will have to check! I've never bought anything at the Gap outlet in Wrentham (though I have been) so I wasn't sure if prices were really better or not. It's worth a shot, though! Chain stores are often slow to realize genius. hahahahaa

    Allie: Yeeah. I am not a hug fan of credit cards. BUT, where I wouldn't be using it often, that might be okay. I just remember that in...well, probably high school, they had this awesome sale that was 2 pairs of jeans for $50! I haven't bought their jeans SINCE so I don't know if they ever did that sale again...but I've kind of been hoping by some miracle they would. And seriously! Companies? Do something smart?? Hahaha! What a foolish idea!! Smartness and generosity are for babies!! ;)

    Oi! And ooh I am interested as to what confused you! I await in anticipation! hahaha


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