Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday School: Overheard Conversations

I was in Marshall's yesterday, in line to purchase my selected goods, when the woman in front of me's boyfriend joins her in line and drops another package in her arms.

It was a nose hair trimmer.

"Good, you need it." She says. "You should get it lasered."

"I knew a guy who got it lasered and they didn't do it good," he informs her.

"That's 'cause you gotta keep going." She's clearly a little exhasperated. I wish I had had the guts to check out this dude's nose situation. I might've better understood her concern.

"No, it's 'cause they didn't do it good." I am now imagining a terribly botched nose hair laser session, because of which his friend now looks like Voldemort.

"I had it and they did good for me."

"No, they didn't."


This. was. hilarious! I literally had to stifle laughter. It didn't end there, though. She followed up with, "No, down there." Which is what one might call "TMI." It also means she has had more than one laser hair removal procedure, and for at least one of them, "they didn't do it good."

I checked out at Marshall's with a sweater, a holiday gift, and knowledge. And that, my friends, is priceless.

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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