Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Half-Ass or No-Ass?

I know that this shouldn't even be a question, but I am currently in the throes of deciding whether or not I should go vote tonight.

It is, undeniably, my civic duty, and it isn't something to take lightly. It is important, and I truly believe that. I am, however, completely unprepared.

I was looking at the sample ballot for my precinct, and I...I don't really know any of the people on it or what they stand for. I recognize some names from the ridiculous mudslinging and Big Dig finger pointing, but beyond that I'm at a loss. I have been trying to educate myself (albeit very late in the game, and I only have myself to blame for that), but I still feel that I lack the knowledge to make an informed vote.

Which is worse? Not voting, or voting (nearly) completely blind? I think the only thing I think I know for sure is how I feel about the ballot questions.

I feel wrong not voting, and I feel wrong voting for candidates based solely on the D or the R next to their name (or worse, at random). To me, if that's how I will have to decide, I might as well do their numerology and vote based on that.*

Is voting uninformed worse than not voting?

I want to vote and I know I should. I firmly believe we must know our rights and excersize them. I just don't see how going to vote and essentially choosing candidates at random is a good thing. This isn't a multiple choice test in my high school English class on a book I didn't read.** I can't suss out the correct answer by process of elimination, or complete guesswork. Getting this answer wrong doesn't just effect my grade for that section (I still got a B!), this will effect the future of my state and my country. I do not want to half-ass this.

So (for the third time) I ask you: Is half-assing better than no-assing?

*Note: I will never, ever do that. Numerology involves adding and I am strictly against math of any kind.

** Mrs. Kerrigan, if you are reading this, I am being purely hypothetical. I, of course, read ever single book you ever assigned. Twice. At least. Maybe even more than that. No, no I am not lying. Why do you ask?

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