Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Flattery gets you nowhere...except in my Top Ten Favorite People of All Time list

Once upon a time, I went to college. Freshman year I met some of the most excellent people ever, and as we had bonded so thoroughly, participated in our very own round of Secret Santa. It was apparenrlty found out by my friend that I loved Angelina Jolie, so she gifted me a drawing of Angie. It resided in my dorm room for the remainder of that year.

On one occaision, a friend was in my room and happened to spy this drawing.

"You know, she kind of looks like you right there."

While I can neither confirm nor deny that he was on some sort of hallucinogenic drug, I was absolutely flabberghasted. I choose to take the fact that he said Angelina looks like me (and not that I look like Angelina), as a compliment - the most beautiful woman in the entire world (in my obviously humble--and in no way distorted by our percieved similar visages--opinion) looks like ME!

Despite the fact this person and I will probably never see each other again, he will always remain one of my top ten favorite people of all time.

It is clear to me that my roommate's boyfriend has heard of this list and is desparately trying to claw his way onto it, as last night he said I look like Anne Hathaway.

Sigh. Soon, my friend, soon. Keep up these valaint efforts and you will be in my gracious favor before long!

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at sasslikeyoubreathe.blogspot.com.