Friday, November 5, 2010

MTV Killed the Music Video Star and then Brought her back from the Dead

So my friend tweeted this link on (where else, but) twitter. It talks about MTV's decision to fund music videos made by, and starring, some big names in an attempt to revive the essentially mini-movie art form.

I am actually pretty excited about this. I remember when MTV and VH1 actually played music videos instead of these...over-hyped, mind-numbingly asinine reality TV shows. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all reality TV (just most of it!). I love me some America's Next Top Model (Tyra's so cray-cray!), but at least one (16 and Pregnant, anyone?) is pretty much glorifying teenage pregnancy, which -- and maybe I'm alone on this -- doesn't sound like the best idea. I can see the so-called "thought" forming in teens heads everywhere now: " you mean I can get on MTV?? For being 16 and preggers?? That's all it takes?? IWILLBEFAMOUS!!!!" I mean seriously, people. Their brains aren't fully formed yet! Why must we put this idea in there to rattle around in the desolate emptiness?? They're going to love the noise!

But I digress (a lot). I can remember being pumped when I woke up early (in my formative years this didn't happen very often) because I could turn on MTV and VH1 and they'd actually be playing music videos! I never understood why they hid them away until the wee hours of the morning when no one was even up yet. I felt that calling themselves "Music Television" was some gross false advertising, as they never even played any music. I know I'm not the only one who felt this way, so it feels good that they're really going to start making an effort to bring music videos back.

I might have to start watching them again. And let me tell you, people, it has been years.

So, kudos MTV! And don't let me down (again)! From the look of "Pow Pow" you're off to a good start!

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