Monday, March 21, 2011

Practically Perfect

Friday I had the day off and headed into Boston with my mom, two aunties, and my cousin's girlfriend. We did the usual: shopping, eating copious amounts of food, and seeing a show. Yes, I am one of those people. I see shows.

We went to see Mary Poppins at the Opera House. I gotta say, despite not being particularly excited about it, it was really fabulous. They did a great job. I didn't even fall into the dreaded 'second act lull,' which usually threatens to drag me into the depths of unconsciousness like the many-legged lake-beast from The Lord of the Rings. Mary Poppins took that magical umbrella of hers and sliced through the grippy, tentacley creature-arm, saving me from it's gnashy, painy teeth of embarrassment and slumber. That is one bad ass nanny! Jo Frost wouldn't stand a chance. Supernanny my buttocks.

It was also really nice to get to chat with my cousin's girlfriend. I hadn't had much of a chance at the last two family gatherings. There's quite a lot of us and we're always reaching new and previously undiscovered levels of loud, so it can be hard to have a nice chit chat with the newbies.

As it turns out, she's really nice. I had been a bit apprehensive, as at the aforementioned family functions she always impeccably dressed her petite frame, had perfect hair and make-up, and seemed to have a heaping side of sunny disposition. Practically perfect in every way. I was fairly certain I would not like her. Convinced of it, really.

But I ended up really liking her. Damn her and her Poppinsishness! It must have been that spoonful of "sugar" she snuck into my coffee. Anyone else wonder what really was on that spoon Mary Poppins was pouring down everyones throats? I can tell you right now it certainly wasn't sugar. No wonder she could fly, saw penguins in the park, and had floating furniture. And you thought it was an innocent children's movie! Ha!

Are you really going to try and tell me she wasn't on drugs?

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