Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Et tu, Birth Control?: Hormonic Betrayal

Holy muffin top! I did a search today about going off the pill and gaining weight...GUESS WHAT?? They're related!

I found a lot of women saying they'd gone off Yasmin (what I had been on), and about two-three months after (exactly how long I've been off) they all gained close to 10 pounds! Ding-ding-ding! The bells in my head went off like...this?:

Doesn't ring any bells...

Okay, not really. But when I Googled "bells in my head," this is what came up. Huh.

Anyway, the downside to this discovery, besides the realization that I'm mentally incapable of putting two and two together, is that these ladies are also having a shite time loosing the weight.


This also explains my face looking like something you'd see on a "Strange Rock Formations" show on the Discovery Channel.

My face, basically

Well, if rocks we're pimples. The painy kind that actually look about that color red, and just make you want to rip off your skin and dig them suckers out with your bloody fingernails, screaming in victory despite not having a face anymore, but who cares cause SUCK IT PIMPLES!! I WON!! But you can't, because doing so would leave you faceless, or least with a bunch of glaring, unfortunate pimple scars. I already have some, and since I'm not much of a collector type, I'm all set with adding more. Thanks, but no thanks.

So instead of picking (which takes all your will power) you try every trick you can think of. That stupid toothpaste one that really only ever makes you a minty, sticky mess. The honey one, which really only does the same as the toothpaste one, but this time with honey, and you always inadvertently get some in your mouth despite not liking the taste of it even one little tiny minuscule bit. The tea tree oil one, where you go against all the advice on the internet and apply it directly to your skin, knowing full well it could burn your skin, but saying, the hell with it! they're only zits and damn it they started it! Lemon juice, lavender oil, garlic (okay, I haven't tried that yet), a botched tomato/gelatin facial, even ODing on your prescription acne products. But they don't budge. Well, they get bigger, but they don't show any signs of leaving.

There are a few more tricks I could try, and you can bet I'm going to. I am hoping above all else that the more my hormones normalize, the more things will get back to business as usual. Like my weight. And my skin. Though I know the skin may be here to stay, as it was the reason I went on the pill in the first place.

Who knew that two months after ceasing birth control pills, my body would revolt like this!? Sneaky, sneaky sneaky! I never new the pill was such a passive aggressive backstabber.

Still. If nothing else I do feel a little better at having a possible reason for my somewhat mysterious weight gain. I had been exercising. Okay, yes, maybe I ate too many sweets over the holidays, but still. It all makes sense. And I really love being able to point the finger of doom at something other than cupcakes.


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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