Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Post in Which I Basically Just Post Photos To Make Us All Jealous

I know. I failed. I had been doing so well, posting everyday for...a week and a half? I have failed you, Lone Reader.

I'll work on that.

I never post on weekends, but since I am trying to keep Lone Reader (get it?? like Lone Ranger! Badass, yes?), I must make it up to them somehow. Also, I felt like playing with my colors and adding some gadgets.

So, as you may have noticed, I only changed my background to white and the text to black, and then darkened everything else a tad. REBEL! But really, I usually like lighter looking blogs (does this make me bloggist?), so I thought I'd keep it light. Which works well with this blogs content, as I hardly ever get serious on here.

And the gadget's aren't super happy fun time one's, but I felt I needed to jazz it up a bit 'round these parts. Someday I plan on having an awesome customized header, but until I figure out how to work those shenanigans, this is what you get.

So, Lone Reader, what do you think?

And though it's unrelated to the entire rest of this post (except for the title), I just have to gush. I am missing Italy SO SUPER HARD right now.

The fact that you could not take a bad picture
I'm pretty sure even the sunrises were prettier

 In the middle of the city! Oranges!

The secret bakeries!

The protests - right down our street (and the roommate who had a walk of shame during it)

Teeth diamonds...yes, this does exist

The beautiful Italian men that cooked delicious food for us and BROUGHT THEIR OWN APRON!!

The graffiti

The beautiful city lights

Disregarding everything our mothers taught us and jumping over bridges to drink wine (we make good decisions)

The truly interesting food options. Just what I've always wanted! An orange flavored, duck-shaped cake!

The Duomo (like, duh)

Did I mention the city lights?


The mutual feeling, or lack-thereof, for babies (don't worry, the stroller's empty. Actually, maybe that isn't so reassuring?)

The delicious food. This so-called "peasant's soup." Who are they kidding? They ate like kings!

The scenery wasn't bad either, if you're into that sort of thing

See? Babies. Who cares!

There was never a lack of things to surprise you. A Pride flag, boar's head, antlers, fox tails?, and grapes. Only in Italy.

Art was, quite literally, everywhere

The people we met... 

 The friendships formed. Some lasted, some didn't. But I'll never forget the experience.

Aaaand, scene! Mush over! But seriously. I want to go back. I know I may not have made that clear.

And, like, now would be nice.

Va bene!


  1. Okay, for realz? Between Maeve just returning from France & posting her pictures & you posting all these, I'm ready to either shoot myself or stowaway on the next plane to anywhere. Waaah.

  2. Heh. Sorry? And let's not stowaway (didn't someone` 11111111111111111111111111 (<- that was Misty) recently die doing that?), but I am SO v cccccccccccccccccccccc (Misty again) up for traveling!!!!


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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