Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day and Learning to be a Considerate Human Being

Today is Valentine's Day, and while I am currently single (and have been for every Valentine's Day for which I have had breath in my lungs), I do not hate the fauxilday. That's right, I called it a faux-holiday. I know! I am so clever! Hah!

I am a lover of holidays. Any reason to celebrate and wear a specific color outfit makes me kind of giddy. And while today I inadvertently dressed myself like Cupid's happy sailor friend, I am still beaming inside (or maybe that's gas?).

Last year I nearly went on my first date with a guy I'd met at an Anti-Valentine's Day party, who probably never should've gone off his anti-depressants (no really). I mean talk about pressure! I'm glad I politely declined. I was feeling a tad under the weather, so it wasn't for nothin'.

This year I am spending it at home, with my fam, drinking (red!) wine, eating (red!) spaghetti, and giving myself a (red!) acne fighting facial. Clearly, we have embraced the V-Day theme. Despite my mom wishing me a, "Happy VD day! Haha!" Isn't she the sweetest?

She has always made us little Valentine goodie bags, which has probably helped to make this random February day feel special. Any day I receive chocolate as a gift is an extraordinary day to me!

In all of my 24 years, I have, regrettably, never reciprocated. That's why today on my lunch break I will be running out to try and search through the aisles or Target for something to show her, "Hey! You didn't raise a callous, inconsiderate jerk! Yay!"

Being thoughtful is on my "to-do" list. I don't make resolutions every New Year, but I do try to continually improve myself. It's a long list...kidding! I am awesome! But really, thoughtfulness is something I generally lack. Or maybe forethought. Or maybe they're kind of interrelated? Hm. Anyway, I generally have good intentions, but have poor execution. This being the perfect example. I want to surprise my mom and show her I care with a small little gesture of luurve on this Valentine's day, but I unfortunately did not plan ahead and will thusly be going out to pick through whatever is left in the store today. THE DAY OF. Sometimes I'd swear I was a guy.

Since I've never been in a relationship on this fauxilday, I don't really know what I'd expect. I kind of think, though, that I'd enjoy a low-key, no-pressure kinda night. Stay in, maybe fance up dinner a bit more than the usual Monday fare, and just hang out. Maybe do some of that cuddling stuff. Gifts aren't necessary, though chocolate is always appreciated. But really, love is the point. Not cards, not jewelry, not candy, not flowers. Spending it with people I love is celebration enough. It may be an over-commercialized fauxilday, but it seems to me people sometimes forget to appreciate the ones they love, so if this day can act as a little reminder during the mid-winter death-haul, then Valentine's Day and me are cool, yo. 

So, however you celebrate (or don't), I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. nice post! You made me feel slightly less indifferent (in a positive way) about V-Day, haha. Mostly because of the 2nd to last paragraph. I fully concur

  2. Thanks!! I'm glad I'm not alone! lol Also, success was had at Target. But it was hard won. It seemed like everyone and their mother was there. I knew shopping on Christmas eve was a fools game, but apparently I misjudged that the day OF V-Day wouldn't be. Lesson learned.


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