Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Adventures in Failed Home Beauty!

So, Valentine's Day. That was Monday. I told you that day I was going to give myself an acne fighting facial, appropriately colored for the occasion.

Well, as with many things I attempt the first time out, it didn't go exactly as planned. Here's the recipe I was making from the Crunchy Betty website (She's awesome! Go check her out, my sole reader! Now! I'll wait...)

Homemade Tomato Juice Peel Off Mask
  • 1/2 c. tomato juice (for oily and acne-prone skin), peach juice (for dry skin), milk or water (for normal skin)  
  • 1 packet (approx. 1 Tbsp) plain gelatin

It's always suggested you use the freshest ingredients you can, so I decided to squeeze my own tomato juice. Which brings me to the first question. How does one squeeze a tomato for it's acne fighting juices?? I have no idea. But this is what I did:

I basically just made a mushy mess. But! There certainly was juice below! Just...not a half cup. Not even a quarter cup. I had mistakenly thought one tomato would do the trick. I mean, c'mon, they are pretty juicy! Still, this was only a minor set back and I was determined! What could go wrong with just using less tomato juice?

I soldiered on. I mixed in the entire packet of gelatin and microwaved the mixture to combine them. So far, so good. Into the fridge you go!

You'll note it never crossed my mind to lessen the amount of gealtin I used. Keep this in mind as we proceed.

I stirred it several times int he 15ish minutes it congealed in the frigde. Voila!

Ready for my face! I slathered it on. I just used my fingers because I don't have any brushes I didn't mind getting goopy.

The result:

Happy as a tomato faced clam!

I let it dry. I could feel it stinging a bit. I assumed this was from the tomato juice ninjas kicking acne butt all over my face. I could feel it tightening my skin!

I waited around my room. My cat stared at me like I was crazy. She was partially right. I think she's psychic.

I even chatted on the phone!

Trying to demonstrate my multi-tasking skill and give you a visual of the mask drying. Neither is conveyed particularly succesfully...

We finally hung up, and I knew it was time to peel-off the mask to find clean and clear skinned glory!

But...oh my. doesn't seem to want to peel off. And I kind of got some in my hair...OH and my eyebrows! I didn't even think about trying to avoid them. At least I kept clear of my eye area. Wait, what the! How did I get this mask on my eyelid?? This isn't looking good, guys...

It was an all out battle. It just did NOT want to peel! Finally I made some progress. But even then I would get only the tiniest little strips up! And it hurt! The part I had been really excited about peeling was my nose. And that almost didn't even happen. 20 minutes of attempted peeling and I only got half my nose peeled. Barely even half of my face had been successfully peeled before I gave up and hit the shower.

I will say this, though. I'm certain this was all my fault. Had I actually used a half cup of tomato juice, I do not think I would've had this problem. Despite my mistake, my skin did feel super soft afterwards, and the pores on my nose looked smaller and less black-heady. So, I will definitely be trying this again...just the right way net time.

If nothing else, I'll have a super good recipe for fake vomit this Halloween!:


1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am SO glad you captured all this on film and in detailed dialogue. It made five minutes of this bloody overnight incredibly enjoyable.

    I will say, the picture of your cat made me wonder how the cat would react to a tomato facial. Mental hilarity ensued. 'Course I'm running on nearly zero hours of sleep at this point in time, so everything's about 3 billion times funnier, but whatevs. My shift started with a conversation with my supervisorabout cleaning fecal crust & how that can clog the bathtub. Can I go home now?

    (also, the internet I'm "borrowing" from a neighbor {or the gremlin in the basement, who knows} is infuriatingly slow & so you should feel the love and know that many refreshes of the page and retyping of the comment were required before I a.) realized copying would be intelligent and b.) succeeded.)


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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