Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ill-Fitting Honesty

I'm going to be honest here. I mean, I'm usually honest on here with my two readers, despite it technically being a public forum. But this is the kind of honesty I don't even want to admit to myself.

I've gained weight.

I am generally of the opinion that dieting is foolish. I am going to eat what I want to eat, and as long as it's in moderation I see no problem. It's my life, I'm not wasting it on papery health crap, or boring flavorless mush. It is not happening. Ever.

I also know that, during my life, my weight will fluctuate. And I am okay with that, too. I basically feel like the goal should be to be and feel healthy and happy, not limit yourself by truly meaningless numbers. For one, weight is personal. I don't go around shouting it from the rooftops. Weight is a measurement of my body's mass. My body. My mass. It has nothing to do with anyone else. So as long as I am comfortable, and healthy, I couldn't care less what someone else thinks about that number.

For instance, men. I have a very hard time believing some guy who is otherwise very interested in me is going to dump me because my triple digit weight is not to his liking. If that's the type of boy he is, then no thanks, you can be moving on now, you superficial jerkwad, you.

So, I take health over weight obsession, self-esteem over "romance." Everything in moderation, with sides of portion control and physical activity.

Unfortunately, as it's winter and all, I have been slacking in the physical activity department. Since moving home, I have also been less vigilant on portion control. And my-oh-my does it show.

Actually, I don't know if it shows. When I look at my de-clothed body I could tell areas had pudged out a little, but again, c'est la vie and pass the cheese! It wasn't until my work pants started feeling tighter that I really took notice.

Today however, was the nail in my "let it be" coffin.

A pair of pants I wore comfortably not even five months ago DO NOT FIT.

There's a chorus sounding off in my head of, "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!" I guess the time has come to actually commit myself to lesser portions and upping my physical output.

Sigh. I had never experienced the feeling that comes when a once-loved pair of jeans no longer fits. It is not the most pleasant, to say the least.

So, new plan of action: kick it's sorry arse to the curb!

That's right, you heard me! Scram! Beat it! Hasta luego! And don't come back here again!


  1. Would it be completely cheesy if I started singing (read: typing) "You're Beautiful"?

    Probably. I'll try to refrain.

    Anyway, if it means anything, it has not appeared to me that you've gained any weight. I'm also usually pretty busy being like, "damn, why can't I rock that style?" Seriously - I want your clothes & accessories. Let's go shopping & you can tell me what to buy, because I just struggle.

  2. Yes.

    Thank you.

    hahaha. And aww, stop! You're too sweet! Which is weird, cause there have been many times I have envied YOUR outfit. Maybe we should start shopping for each other?? I think it's a plan.

    And I am glad to hear it isn't obvious, but it just sucks when pants I wore in October come nowhere near to fitting me now. Since it's bad enough I already have arthritis in mah knees, I might as well start getting jiggy with exercise before all my muscles atrophy beyond the point of no return...

  3. I'm with you on that. I came back from India and literally NONE of my "college" jeans fit me anymore. It was so very traumatizing. I fully concur about the exercise piece though - I haven't really lost any weight since I started going to the gym again, but I FEEL so much better and I'm pretty sure that's half the battle. So, fuck you, college pants. I never liked you anyway.

    Let's go shopping.


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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