Monday, December 13, 2010

USP.S. Oops! We Lost Your Package!

I ordered my mother's Christmas gift off of Amazon, and at first was disappointed to discover it wouldn't arrive until after Christmas. So, technically, I ordered my mother's after-Christmas present from Amazon. Still, I was excited. I was even more excited when they emailed me to tell me it'd be arriving by December 9th!


I, of course, took to tracking this package with much glee and celebration! It left it's home in New Hampshire on the 6th, and made it to the town next to mine on the 7th! It looked as if I may get it even before the 9th! Yippity-doo!

This, however, is when I lost the package's trail. It was scanned for departure from the town immediately next to mine on December 7th, at 09:02:18 AM. Then? Then an "Arrival Scan" is logged,  location unknown, December 7th, at 10:32:00 AM.

I am led to believe the location of this "arrival scan" of which they speak, is the post office in my town. If this is true, where the crap-ass is my package?? Post Office, you received it the SEVENTH. It is now the THIRTEENTH. How does this make sense to you? There wasn't a holiday in between that would delay my package's arrival. We also live in the same town. We have gotten mail every day (excluding Sunday) since.

I have concocted several scenarios that could explain this missing package.

1. My town's Post Officer has kept it for himself, as he is surely a dastardly fiend.

2. My Post Person (can someone be a post person? are we ever pre-people? think about that) got into a terrifying accident before reaching my abode, and is now out in the wilderness fighting for her life against all odds and also fisher cats.

3. As my Post Person was about to place my package in my mailbox, she and her Post Official vehicle were abducted by aliens. These aliens really like Glee, Season 1.

4. My arch nemesis has taken control of the Post Office and is ceasing to deliver my packages. I envision them laughing maniacally while selling stamps. Evil!

5. My local post office is full of fools.

6. My house and mailbox have been caught in some sort of wrinkle in time.

7. The Universe is having a good joke. On me.

So, whatever has delayed it, it appears this present may be an after-Christmas present after all. If the aliens are done with season 1 by then...

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