Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Awkward Bathroom Experiences: She Got Dumped (And Not Like That)

Yesterday at work I went to the bathroom to do some business. I swear, this isn't going to be graphic or TMI. I promise.

I usually use the handicapped stall because it's big, it has it's own trash, sink and the best hand soap in the building. This time I did not, as it was currently two people. Oh dear. This sure isn't awkward or anything...

I really needed to make use of the facilities, so I stayed despite the weirdness. The two women were talking. Well, one was talking, the other was sobbing. Apparently sobberella had just been dumped by her boyfriend. Comforting friend was trying to make her feel better in all the usual ways, "You'll get over this, you are SO much better off, he's an ass!" He probably is an ass, but I really don't need to hear about it. Sobberella sobbed on.

So, here I am in the bathroom, trying to take care of my bidness, overhearing a very personal conversation and massive amount of sobbing and gurgled, muffled responses. This is the most awkward bathroom experience I have ever had, even worse than hearing a woman using the stall next to me have a conversation on the phone...about how much something hurts. Use your imagination.

People, let's stop using bathroom stalls like they're some sound-proof box of invisibility. They aren't! If you cannot keep yourself together after a break-up, maybe you should consider taking a personal day. If you need to gab to your friend about how much something on your person hurts, may I suggest waiting until lunch or after hours to make this call privately from your car or home?

I'm just sayin', there are other options besides making everyone in your vicinity feel more uncomfortable than they probably already do when using a public restroom. Seriously. Consider shutting the eff up. We will all appreciate it.

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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