Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Release the Crack-en!!

I mentioned to you before the only cute guy here at work, ya? Well, I had thought perhaps he had gone on vacation, left the company, or been trampled by elephants. Mostly because after those two bubbler not-so-encounters, I didn't see him again for at least a week. Probably more. Obviously he had been maimed, seriously injured, or was enjoying the sun in a tropical locale.

Well, having eventually seen him 'round the office again and realizing neither the maimed nor injured version were true, he had clearly been on vacation. Or was, you know, busy at work and wasn't taking his lunches. Clearly the least likely scenario.

Today, however, he was at lunch.

Let me 'splain something. He is a good looking guy. He dresses himself very well. If only all men cared enough not to look like they climbed out of an animal food trough in the morning.

But then...then he ruined it. He sat down and there...there was crack.

Gentleman (and ladies), lowrise pants may seem like they're cool, but when you sit down and create a fleshy pencil holder all of your allure and attractiveness melt away*. Either get a higher rise jean, or please, for the love of vanity (and also my eyesight), wear a belt.

Thank you.

This message brought to you by the Coalition to Raise Ass-posure Awareness in the Public.
Or CRAAP for short.

*(okay, he's still pretty cute, though)



  2. Agreed! (Unless I'm feeling unusually racy. Then there's no telling what I'll think is attractive.)

  3. Hahaha, so true! Now you mention it, that is clearly why it hasn't changed my opinion of him at all. Feeling, uhm, amorous? sure doesn't do much for my standards. Which are unusally low anyway...

    And thanks for following!! :D That made my day! I love your blog!


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at sasslikeyoubreathe.blogspot.com.