Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Want...

1. To visit every state capital and spend at least 3 full days there.
2. See the northern lights. But not from a lodge. Actually be out there with them. Just you and the sky, baby.
3. Eat less sugar.
4. Eat more veggies.
5. Read at least one book a month.
6. Try meditating. (and not feel bad if I fail)
7. Disconnect with technology and plug back in to friends and family.
8. Be a part of La Tomatina tomato throwing festival in Spain!:

I can't imagine anything looking more fun

9. And being in India for Holi would be pretty sick, too:


10. Okay, okay, and also the Boryeong mud festival in South Korea:

D'ya get the feeling I like festivals that involve minimal amounts of clothing and getting completely covered in muck?

11. Try bubble tea.
12. Squish grapes. With my feet. In a biiig wooden bucket.
13. De-clutter my life.
14. Really learn how to wield a kitchen knife. Garlic, beware!
15. See the Cherry Blossoms in D.C.
16. See Fiona Apple in concert
17. Have fantastically artful henna done on my hands.
18. See Flamenco in Spain
19. Get a massage. A real one. A professional one.
20. Voice a Muppet character!
21. Learn to speak Italian.
22. Learn how to cook with filo dough.
23. Go to Australia.
24. Try sushi!

A short (and random) list of things that I'd like to do that've been running through my head. And of course, they're likely to be more...


  1. Aside from numbers 16, 20, 22, & 24, I remain further convinced that we're the same person. And I would fully do numbers 9, 17, 18, and 19 again.


  2. 1, 7 and 12 - you, me, one summer. Yes?

  3. Though I guess 7 doesn't really need to start in the future hahahaha.

  4. Kathi -I think you're right. LETS DO THIS!

    Allie - Hahaha very true! 7 can happen next time I see you! And please please let's do them all!


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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