Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter Heave-ho!

Winter. It's still here. Don't be fooled by this surprise "heat" wave. It's totally just a tease. I remember at the end of summer, going into fall, I was just itching for it to be cold enough to wear boots, and sweaters. But now? Now I need me some short sleeve, flats & flip flops weather. And here's Mother Nature, taunting me.

What I truly desire is for all this snow and ice to melt. I do enjoy snow. It's cold, which means I get to dress snuggly warm (my favorite!). It's also pretty and creates a magical, wintery wondery landscape!

That is, until it get's plowed and startes melting into a disgusting, brown, rock wall.

No, really. That stuff will take you down.

My friend was about to leave her house for work when her car slipped on some ice. In her own driveway. She ended up bumping into a snow bank. In her own driveway. Generally we Northerners would think "Oh, phew! I just hit a snow bank! A tree, big rig or person would've been much worse!" I am positive she thought the same.

That is until she pulled out of her driveway and realized her bumper was dragging on the ground.

Let me just remind you, this happened in her own driveway. I just want to make sure I've made that clear. Anyway, it's been duct taped for the time being, but now she's looking at a 500$ deductable. Winter is fun!

Also, the roads are a mess. The warming up, then freezing, then warming, then freezing again is doing a number on them. They are heaving. Which isn't pretty when people are cats do it, and it certainly isn't when roads do.
Frost heaves* leave perfectly respectable New England roads looking like this:

Then, of course, you must add in some pot holes:

Spice with freeze-thaw damage:

And you've got youself a damn mess, is what you've got:

Icky! It doesn't help that the roads are also smaller now, due to the massive, bulging...snow banks (what did you think I was going to say?). There's also these fun little ice ledges, as I like to call them, on most roads, acting like bumper car or bowling alley bumpers. So, if, let's say, a massive SUV is barreling down the newly miniaturized road and you, the tiny car that you are, try to move as close the edge of the road as possible, said ice ledge will BUMP you right back out into the road directly in the path of the monster truck. No wonder I've never liked bumper cars.

So, Spring, please get here quickly. Then towns can attempt the massive undertaking that is repairing the roads, and I can more deftly navigate out of the paths of immense vehicles determined to squish me.

Please and thank you.

* Did you know Vermont has a basketball team? Did you know they're called the Frost Heaves?? Me neither! Leave it to Vermont.

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