Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Facebook Changed my Life: A Country Song

I realized the other day, whilst looking at all my friend's facebook stati, that despite not liking the music, I could be an excellent country song writer with all this inspiration.

Seriously, I show you:

She just joined the NRA
Marryin’ a man that’s twice her age
Ol’ Mac’s lost all his teeth
But she sure loves his Chevrolet

He’s drivin’ back to the Lone Star State
Love means freedom and a pick-up truck
But soon he’ll find he’s out of luck
Cause loneliness is the heaviest weight

Another one’s just broke her heart
She ain't sure it'll ever work out right
Prince Charming lost his charm 3 beers ago
Just tryin’ now to mind her son
Feelin’ right back at the start

See?? Brilliant, right?! That's just the start, of course. It definitely needs more work. I kind of started to run out of facebook fodder, so I'd have to start improvising a bit more. Definitely throw in some more beer references. Something about a faithful dog. A couple "y'alls" and maybe a few hunting references too.
Boy oh boy! I may just have found a career, folks!

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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