Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Think Anger Management Might Be The Next Step: Self Important Jackals Shouldn't Be Given A License

Can someone tell me, is there a full moon on the horizon? Because everyone on the road is driving like they're bloody bonkers today.

Furthering my dislike of everyone else allowed a license besides myself: An 18-wheeler was waiting on an off ramp to merge with the traffic I was a part of. The speed limit on said road is 45mph. Obviously I was doing 50. Seriously, I don't know what 100ft looks like because I am terrible at spatial relationships and judgments, but I HAD to be only like 100ft away from this honkin' huge 18-wheeler when he decides to "gun" it and PULL OUT IN FRONT OF ME. If any of you are familiar with 18-wheelers, you will know that 'gunning it' for an 18-wheeler is not dissimilar to a cheetah with it's legs tied together, frozen in a block of ice. I, per usual, was too shocked that anyone could be so idiotic, and fully focused on trying to stop my car before becoming crushed and wedged under this slow and foolish beast, that I completely forgot to honk my horn. For shame! I hate when that happens!

This foolhardy driver then apparently forgets he has brakes and that there are laws about speed limits, because the limit immediately drops to 35mph and he HAS to be doing 50, as I'm zipping along at 40mph  and he's boogied way way far ahead of me! Guess that cheetah thawed out and chewed through his restraints. It was insane! Often there are cops on that road and I was hoping beyond hope that he would be pulled over. Alas, that didn't happen. I DID write down his license plate #, though, and am considering writing to the truck company about his shitastic driving! I just hate getting people in trouble...but seriously, his driving could end up getting someone with far less superior reaction times hurt.

Then? - oh, you thought this was over? - then we get to a light. The 18-wheeler is still in front of me, and there's another woman behind me. Right before the light is a road to the left. However, it is illegal to make a left hand turn onto that road. There are signs and everything. There's even a little traffic island that you have to maneuver around to make the left. But this woman? She's actually exempt from the laws everyday laymen like ourselves are slave to. That little traffic island? 'm not even near it, the truck is. And this woman is behind me. And we're at a complete stop at a traffic light. SO SHE GETS IN THE OPPOSITE LANE WITH ONCOMING TRAFFIC. She has to drive at least 100ft, and almost collides with a jeep. What the hell people?!

I also wrote down her license plate number. Not that there's much I could do with it, methinks. I can't believe anyone thinks they are that damn above the law, that their time is that important that they'll do something as stupid as that. If you had hit that jeep and and killed that driver, would you still think you and your time were worth more than anyone else's?? Drives me absolutely bonkers. I never feel such blinding rage as when I am driving. I never want to cause others physical harm (I even have trouble watching it in movies I dislike it so much), but the way people drive makes me seriously want to punch them in their faces.

Wake up!! You are not any more important than anyone else on the road. Whatever you have to do today is not more important that what anyone else has to do today. If it were, you'd be in a helicopter, bypassing ground traffic, or have flashing lights and sirens. Sometimes I try and rationalize and say, "Well, maybe that person's relative is in the hospital and they're rushing to see them." But sometimes, I just get the feeling that isn't true. And will it really help that person in the hospital if you get yourself killed driving like that to see them? Maybe it's just me, but I really don't think it will help anyone.

Please, for the love of all that is wonderful and chocolaty, could we all just respect the rules of the road AND each other out there? I promise, it's not that hard, and you won't even miss those 5 seconds it takes to be safe.

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