Monday, June 13, 2011

Crazy Sexy Lifestyle!

Today is Monday. Which makes it on principle a terrible day to stop drinking coffee. The gloomy day, less than 8 hours of sleep, and frigid temperature aren't exactly making it a breeze of a transition, either.

But damnit, I'm trying.

I've been making my way through Kris Carr's, Crazy Sexy Diet, and am loving it quite a lot. I don't fancy the name of the book, though - in part. I'm all for being crazy and sexy! It's just that the word "diet" is synonymous with "weight loss," and that isn't really my goal. It's to be healthier. I find it unfortunate that so many people equate weight with health (though weight can impact health) to the point that everyone's nearly fat phobic. But I digress!

In Carr's book, she talks about caffeine in relation to health so convincingly she's managed to get me to abstain from my regular morning cup o' joe. I will still drink coffee on occasion - I love it so very, very, very much! - but I think taking it out of my daily routine will be beneficial. Well, hopefully. It may be beneficial to my health, though there's little in the book to explain how it may effect the health of those around me.

Just no one give me any sharp objects for the next couple weeks and I think we may all make it through this alive!


  1. After my initially harsh reaction, wherein I felt the urge to grab the nearest bag of coffee & hug it & promise it that I would always love it, I remembered that I'm trying to cut back on my coffee intake because I'm also concerned about what the massive amounts of caffeine do to me. That being said, it's not like there isn't still the occasional day where I have 3 to 4 cups of coffee, but it happens far less frequently. I'm even down to an average of one cup a day now! Go me?

  2. Haha woow, go you! I'm still in shock and awe that some days are 3-4 cuppers. Never did I manage that many. I always only had 'one cup,' however, I do concede my mug is a bit large, so it is quite possible I was drinking about two's worth.

    Yesterday, after not drinking my coffee for the first time in...forever, I had a headache all day. I'm unsure if this was due to the lack of coffee or that I got less sleep than usual. Today I am fine. Who knows!

    I still loooove coffee, but now it'll be more of a treat than an everyday routine. Sigh! At least for now!


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