Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why Cats Don't Meditate

This morning I tried to meditate.

I know I've been a bit frou-frou as of late, but in trying to find my direction in life (because, surprisingly, living at home and working as a temp doing data entry is not my desired direction), it only makes sense to clear my head and spend some quite time with myself to feel my way through.

So. I've written myself a basic framework for my day, which starts and ends with ten minutes of meditation. Today is the first day I'm trying to put this into play, and I've already found I may need to tweak a few things...

My plan was to wake up ten minutes earlier than usual and meditate straight away. My cat almost instantly expressed displeasure with this plan. Usually when I wake up I go to the bathroom and then immediately feed her. This morning I woke up and...sat there. With my eyes closed. While she, apparently, starved to death.

She kept coming over to me, and, having heard the old adage "you get more cat food with honey," she purred and rubbed herself on me and tried to push her face under my hands so I'd pet her. This was distracting and irresistible. So I'd pet her a couple times, then get back to it.

Once she saw this tactic was futile, she decided to resort to more...demonstrative measures? In order to prove to me just how terribly, awfully hungry she was, she would alternately lick my hand, and bite it, chewing on it like a can of Fancy Feast. She didn't break the skin, but she certainly got her point across.

Tomorrow I may have to get up, feed her, and then attempt my morning meditation. Not quite the calm transition from sleep to an active day as I had wanted, but better than losing my hand to my voracious kitty-cat's desperate jaws.

Someone should get this drama-kitten an Agent!


  1. hahahaha this was the first thing I read when I woke up this morning (but wasn't quite conscious enough to type yet) and it cracked me up because I can totally visualize it.

    >>This morning I woke up and...sat there. With my eyes closed. While she, apparently, starved to death. << this is my favorite line.

    I feel like cats, as a general rule, don't like when their people sit very still and ignore them. I'm very curious to see how it works when she has food, haha.

    We did meditation last night at the end of yoga & it was GLORIOUS. The instructor walked around and kind of adjusted us a little bit & when she got to me, she pulled on my neck & said, "let go. .. let go COMPLETELY." Guess I'm a little tense, hahaha.

  2. Hahahaha thanks, Kathi!! And it's true, cats do not like this.

    My mom has wonderfully been kind enough to start feeding my cat when she feeds our other cat, so that when I wake up and attempt to meditate, Misty doesn't go at my finger like it's some new-fangled, raw sausage.

    She DOES, however, stare at me the entire time, with a look of, "What the crap are you doing? Humans are SO freaking weird. You know, you could be petting me right now, don't you?"

    And that sounds FANTASTIC. I wish I had someone to show me the ropes of meditation. I'm sure I'm sitting wrong, not letting go, and focusing sure is...interesting. I think I might try out transcendental meditation, because it focuses on a mantra, so at least my ever-active mind would have something to actively focus on.

    Although I don't feel too bad. Even the Dalai Lama said he can't quite his chattering mind. Yep. Me and the Dalai Lama. Practically the same person. But who's really surprised? hahaha oooi!


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