Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Earth Cruncher: Hey! That'd Make a Good Cereal Name! or My Visit to a Naturopathic Doctor

I'm going to post about my wonderful adventures in the lovely District of Columbia, rest assured, but I haven't had time to upload, or, actually, download then upload my photos yet, so I'm holding out for a bit more.

I do want to discuss my trip last night to a Naturopathic Doctor. It's my first ever. I had no idea what to expect, really. Will I have to strip naked and wear a hospital johnny while she inspects my outward for signs of what's going on inward? Will she test my spit (I saw on her website that she does in fact do that)? Will she tell me all my vitamins are crap and to throw them out immediately? Will it be all talking? Am I doing everything wrong? Can she fix my terrible skin affliction?!?

Turns out we pretty much just talked, and she's really very nice. My vitamins are not all crap. She instructed me to start taking three new ones, and that eventually we'll get me a good multi-vitamin. I kept my clothes on the entire time, and though I expected her to ask me to wash my make-up off so she could get a good look at my facial issue, she didn't do that either. Which was fine by me, as then I would've had to walk through a shared waiting room full of patients, with all my solar flares blazing bright hot like the sun's surface.

What it has come down to is a change in diet. A big one. My diet is...okay, as it is, but there are some eliminations she'd like me to make. Oh, and of course, to actually start exercising. Which I did see coming. "The heck!" you say, "how did she know that was coming??" I'm just psychic, guys. That's all there is to it.

The eliminations I did not expect, however. Okay, okay, so, I'm a mediocre psychic. We can't get 'em all right!


Gasp! Not my cheese!! My sun dried tomatoes?! BREAD?!?!
This is going to be some kind of challenge. She also recommended (but didn't write down on my "No-no!" list) cutting out pork. That wasn't really a problem, as I really don't each much of it. That is, until I remembered BACON is pork. And cried inside a little.

If I'm going to be honest, I do plan on indulging in all my not-haves every once in a while. A life without bacon is no life at all, and I refuse to not-live life. But, for the next month until our follow-up appointment, I am going to stick with her instructions quite strictly (along with continuing to not eat sugar). Hopefully it makes a difference with the uneven terrain of my visage. If it does, I will slowly attempt to eat said avoidables, and see what happens. If I break out, then I know it is worth giving them up. If my face still looks like loose gravel, then...I suppose I'll be back to discuss a new list of un-nommable-noms.

I am glad for a few things, though - she said she wasn't going to take away my wine (as long as I switch to organic - yay!!) or coffee (same and also yay!!), and she didn't even mention limiting red meat. I will probably try to do the last anyway, but more so because my mother wants me to buy the healthy-crunchy stuff I want and need and potentially just start making all my own food. Red, free-range meat is not exactly cheap, so chicken it is, then!

So, apparently I'm earthy-crunchy now? At least I don't wear birkenstocks, right?

This will never happen.

This will especially never happen.


  1. I'm just glad you can drink wine. Because I feel like that's kind of become our tradition and it would be devastating if I couldn't drink wine with you anymore.


  2. Hahaha SO TRUE! Once I finish the 8 bottles in stock here at La Casa de Sarah I may switch to organic wine. OR, by then I may have a flawless face and it won't matter!

    What's been killing me is not eating cheese. BUT I have heard of a mythic beast, which is not cheese, but acts like cheese, and is made of nuts! So hopefully I can track this creature down, capture it with a skillful trade of green cotton fiber paper, and will apply it to my diet immediately, thus vanquishing the evil, cheese-mongering appetite demon!

    I miss you, Cheese. I miss you so ba-ha-haaad!

  3. I cannot wait to share my coconut milk with you!!! And here's to quinoa! I have a yummy recipe I want to make for you! It has carrots and onions and parsley in it.. if that sounds good.

  4. That sounds DELICIOUS!! I seriously cannot wait! Here's to good times ahead :D

  5. Woot woot!! But now I can't share with you the wonderment that is Kouign Amann. :( I do know that I was staring for about 4 minutes at all the choices of So Delicious in the freezer section while doing some grocery shopping but then decided not to splurge... though for next week, yes ma'am! Would you like Vanilla, Coconut, Cookie Dough, or something chocolate/fudge-eqsue? (All are dairy free).

  6. Wait, are those ice creams you're talking about?

    And I KNOW, I am sad about the Kouign Amann, BUT I am doing this for a month. Until my next appointment. Then things will be re-evaluated. If my skin cleared up, grand! I may try adding things back in a very little at a time, to see if one or all had this negative effect, and then either avoiding or incorporating back into my diet accordingly. AND, even if it is "forever" I will probably cheat once in a while, (because life's too short!) so, there may be a time for Kouign Amann yet!

  7. Yes! They are ice-creams!!! And I just saw that they have sugar free options too.

    And very wise, though yay, cheating is ok once in a while, but definitely after the month! I hope things go well too, though I do hope it's not tomatoes or wheat.

  8. OOh that is SO amazing!! Yaaaay So Delicious!!

    Yeah, I miss cheese the most, though. I could live without tomatoes. I could live without wheat (though this is second hardest). But Cheese...oh god. I have felt it's absence the most.

    Which reminds me...have you heard of this (or tried it before)??:

    Non-dairy cheese. HALLELUJAH! I will be heading to Whole Foods ASAP to pick some up!!

  9. Ehh, I'm not a huge fan of those products as I like the real (dangerous) deal! Ex) Had a pizza with "cheese" like that a few months ago, it will not be repeated. Just the words "non-dairy cheese" sounds weird.

    I know, I'm promoting non-dairy ice-cream, but there's just something that just does not appeal to me with non-dairy cheese. All I gotta do is pop my pills in and hello brie with melted brown sugar (oops) and walnuts on a baguette (oops lol, bad example). However, you should also check out Tuffutti products, or however it's spelled, they do "cream cheese" stuff besides desserts.

  10. If only lactaid would help me too lol. Well, I have heard a lot about terrible non-dairy cheeses, but they aren't like this. All I've heard of this kind are rave reviews. It melts. It tastes like actual cheese and has the same texture, too. So, I am SO looking forward to trying Daiya.

    Yeah, I've never liked tofu, but they may be worth checking out. Though, I can't really eat bagels, anyway (and the non-gluten one's I've seen are quite pricey - but maybe!)


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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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