Friday, May 20, 2011

I Don't Think Blondie Had Any Idea What They Were Singing About, or Why 80s Music Can't Predict The Future: Rapture

So, some dude did some math of which I am skeptical (but which I cannot actually fact check for lack of biblical knowledge and basic math skills), and tomorrow may just be the end of the world.

Again, I am skeptical. Hopefully that doesn't mean I am going to hell.

Despite the fact that my friends usually don't read my blog posts until several days after I originally post them (note: this is not a criticism, just relevant), I am going to publish this anyway, though, in the event of Rapture, they most likely won't see this at all.

Still, I'd like to long, and thanks for all the fish!*

*If you're a Douglas Adams fan as I am, hopefully you'll get this reference. If not, well, too late, I guess, eh? Should Heaven have a library, I suggest you borrow the full Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy posthaste! And if nothing happens, welp, see you all Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. So, apparently it's supposed to start with a earthquake in New Zealand at about 6pm NZ time & then hit all the timezones at 6pm in each zone. Clearly this is bullshit as states like MA aren't even on faultlines & if it was really the Apocalypse, I feel like God would just be like, "WHAM" and done.

    However, Nia Vardalos just tweeted that there was a moderate earthquake in the Australia/NZ vicinity. That made my skin crawl a little bit. But I'm terrible at math and have no idea what time it is over there and I'm sure it's just a coincidence anyway.

    If not, well, at least I get to spend the Apocalypse with you! I'm bringing extra wine - we might not be able to leave the house for a while...


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