Monday, August 23, 2010

What's that you say? Put a lid on it!

This weekend, my family and I were in Maine for my Aunt's wedding! It was a really beautiful ceremony (even if my mother and I did crack up hysterically while attempting to sing the hymn) and a gorgeous day! My aunt was stunning, and you could tell she and her groom were both immensely happy. We danced, we ate, we talked, we sang, we drank, we goofed- It was a great time! Congratulations to you both, Aunt and Nuncle (New-Uncle)!

Wedding Re-Cap, or what I learned during a day with my family by the sea:
  • My bride-aunt knows who the Squirrel Nut Zippers are and had the DJ play one of their songs. I was pleased!
  • One of my non-bride aunts was poisoned by her food. Or poison.
  •  My cousin thinks I am a lesbian. This is probably due to the fact that I didn't pop out a baby as soon as uterinely possible. So, upon her inquisition, I made sure to tell her I was. She probably believed me.
  • Old people are great dancers.
  • Old people are less good at dancing to "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees.
  • Lobster crostini are always a good idea. Unless they've been poisoned.
  • Gazpacho is ga-sucky and ga-salsa.
  • It is possible to do the scissor dance move in heels.
  • Wedges distribute body weight more evenly over grass, and will thusly prevent high heels from sinking into the earth. To achieve the opposite effect: wear any other type of high heel.
  • White boys can dance.
  • If there is a wedding and I am invited, no matter where it is, there will be a motorcycle rally immediately after that will impede all traffic flow.
  • And finally, love brings people together. Even family.

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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