Friday, October 22, 2010

Oscar de la Rubbish bin: Grouchin' time!

Today is Friday. This is generally cause for celebration, but today I am less than celebratory. Don't get me wrong, I am pumped it's the end of the work week! But I am 89 years old, have started growing green fur and have taken up residence in a trash can.

I have a lot of work to do today. And more than anything I wanted to do nothing today. It's Friday. I feel that on Friday, it is my given right to do absolutely nothing, while passibly pretending to be doing something (kind of like every other day of the week, actually). Instead, I will procrastinate as usual, letting my boat fill up with water slowly, until I absolutely cannot procrastinate anymore and must frantically bail out with a thimble, trying to plug the now-gaping hole with a chewed wad of gum that just won't stick damnit! all in less than 60 seconds.

Next on my whiney-complainer list, are the plans some friends and I have been trying to make for weeks. It's been years since some of us have seen each other and we'd like very much to correct that. As such, we're supposed to get together tomorrow. The problem is, we don't actually have anything truly decided. We seem to be planning on meeting at my friend's house, going to the Roger Williams Zoo for their pumpkin fest type celebration, then hitting Providence hard with alcohol and funky-awesome dancing. But we haven't agreed on a time. I also had made a suggestion of filling the day beforehand with some festive fall activities: apple picking, pumpkin getting, baked goods baking, and pumpkin carving, but no one actually ever responded to it. Just ignored it, saying "I don't care what we do as long as we see each other!" and commenting on the cruelty of zoo's keeping wild animals in cages. Yes, I am nit-picky, but even a nice "Yeah, Sarah, that idea kinda sucks..." would've been better than them completely ignoring that I ever mentioned anything at all.

And what proves to me all the more I am a homebodied-cranky-pants, is that this indecision made me want to ignore them and just spend Saturday at home. I know, I'm not sure how I retain any friends either.

I like having plans, though. I like having things set in stone. I don't like it being the day before we're supposed to gather and having no idea what we're actually doing. I guess I'm not much of a wing-it person.

Oh, and I have no money. So the other part of all this is going out to dinner. Dinner, 12$ for the pumpkin spectacular, then potential cover charges and drinks, and, of course, pitching in dinero for parking and gas = an expensive night. Especially when all I really want to do is see my friends, not scream at them over loud house music.

Clearly demonstrating my completed morph into an old woman, minus the knitting and the hearing aids (though, somedays I sure could us one).

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