Thursday, June 24, 2010

Smell the Coffee

My friend, who for the purpose of this blog will be referred to as "India," and I were discussing our futures.Well, we weren't, until I revealed that I have come to the conclusion that all I really want is to work for myself and be my own boss. She informed me she agrees, and would like to own a coffee shop/lending library/advice hut. Besides the last two thirds of her dream business, I have always romanticized owning such an establishment myself. Someplace I would enjoy spending my days in, drinking coffee on dangerously comfortable pieces of furniture, worlds away inside an exciting page-turner, just...relaxed.

Of course I understand there is a reality behind this vision of freedom. Like, you know, actually haveing to work there, and not just sit and relax. I would have to deal with customers, pleasant and unpleasant, clean, run around frantically filling orders, and be up veeerry early in the morning. Even if there were others employed at my Cafe Libertà, they could always call in sick, or just be generally lazy and unhelpful. Especially just starting start something like this and push to see it takes real dedication. And while I love fantasizing about it, it's hard to say if it's really anything beyond a romantic dream. I don't know if it's a passion, a drive, a need-to-got-to-can't-live-without-you vision.

I sure can picture it though. Sigh.

Plus, neither India nor I are any good at math. So it'd be hard to get it started when we are not skilled in the money-handling-counting-out-finance-doing. Maybe we'd get a third partner? Nah - three's unstable. And a crowd...but also company? Huh...

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