Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monkey On My Back

My new work schedule/duties and seriously cramping my style. And by style, I really mean procrastination. I figured I should be honest and not mince words, here. We're all friends, right?? Right. Now that that's settled...

Instead of working til 4:30pm as I usually do, I must now stay til 5pm. Waah, waaah, Sarah. Cry us a river! Alright, alright let's not get testy! I was somewhat spoiled, yes. I can admit it. And yes, it is only a half hour. But it really makes a difference in my after-work goings on. I miss 4:30! Instead, now, I sit at my desk and watch it fly by, like an all first class jet to paradise. And let's not discuss the rush hour traffic. I never realized just how important those 30 minutes are in beating home all of the crazy whack-o's out on the road! Driving home at 5pm literally feels like someone just dropped me into a den of starved lions. Needless to say, I am not a fan.

Otherwise, the amount of work I have? Leaves me pretty much feeling like this (yes, I WAS going to post it in here properly, but, alas, my browser here at work is SO out of date that nothing works properly, including blogger. So...enjoy that link! Sigh. I'll try and remember to fix it when I get home!) :


In other news, I attended my friend from high school's wedding on Saturday, and it was absolutely lovely! It was at this botanic gardens, in their orangery, which was completely made of glass and just dang gorgeous!

- Having my mom as my date (the only other girl I knew going was bringing hers as well so it seemed like a good choice!). We had a blast!
- Jumping onto a turtle statue in the middle of a long (and fairly deep) rectangular fountain for an impromptu photo shoot. (I was not the only one, and no, none of us got kicked out. phew!)
- The first song signalling everyone was allowed on the dance floor was Sir Mixalot's  Baby Got Back, and the bride's mother ran out and dropped it like it was HOT. And it was. EPIC.
- The bride's father could get lower on the dance floor than me (maybe that was less highlight and more saddening when I realized older people are more limber than me? Sigh.)

I s'pose that's it for now? I feel it's been forever since I posted. Which is probably more like a week. But...you know, close enough. Maybe tomorrow I'll get caught up on reading my favorite blogs! Where there's a will there's a...pile of reports to file...probably...

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at sasslikeyoubreathe.blogspot.com.