Thursday, January 20, 2011

Destiny, Destiny! There's No Escaping That For Me!

I don't know how I feel about words like "destiny" and "fate." Sometimes I think they're bandied about too freely, and perhaps those bandying are one "destiny" short of donning a fake Jamaican accent and trying to steal all my money on the TeeVee. If ya know what I'm saying. If ya don't, you maybe shouldn't be here.

Sometimes, though, I say things to myself in a similar vein. "It wasn't meant to be." "Whatever is going to happen is going to happen." Usually it's a consolatory phrase to try and make myself feel better after a relationship or what have you, doesn't work out. That, or sometimes it's a pep talk in the middle of the night after watching too much NCIS and wondering just how easy it would be to break into my house and WHAT was that noise I am definitely going to die. It's usually that one, actually.

Still, occasionally, some things do seem to be determined before we can even stand on our wobbly little jello legs. For instance, I appear to be becoming a dirty hippy. No, a clean hippy. But, still, a hippy nonetheless.

I wasn't baptized into any organized religion. My parents, however, kind of baptized me into the earth. Kind of. They brought me outside as a wee babe, and rubbed some dirt on my forehead, promising me back to Mother Earth.

I'm actually pretty proud of this. A lot of people say they don't know what happens after death. I do. Decomposition. We're all going to break down into simpler chemical compounds someday (See: decompose), regardless of all the soul stuff. Which, quite frankly, seems quite the messy topic most days. So I'm actually kind of pleased my parents skipped the religion business, and went straight to nature. It's just more...what's the word? Natural.

It works for me, anyway. And totally predicted my ending up a hippy. It's like it was meant to be! Not that being baptized Catholic means you'll end up a priest. But...come one! How many people get "promised back to the earth"? Clearly, my fate was written on 100% recycled paper before I'd even hugged my first tree.

Admittedly, though, I'm not really that crunchy. I am trying to crunchify a bit more, though I'll never be caught dead in birkenstocks. There are some lines you just don't cross.

I'm really just tired of all the chemicals in every single product I use, or even think about using. I've grown fairly girly since my tomboy youth, and I have no intention of giving up makeup or potions and lotions. I'm just trying to find better alternatives, and even make some of my own.

So I'm keepin' on crunchin' on. And, just as Dr. Frederick Frankenstein learned in his dream about the family business, there's no escaping destiny!

Though, for the record, I hate trail mix. Guess my hippy flag only flies at half mast...

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You Sass Like You Breathe by Sarah Linnell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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