Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bull riding and Nutella

Yesterday was a very rough, emotional day.

I've only ridden a mechanical bull once in my life, and I fell off when it wasn't even moving. Then the mechanical bull operator proceeded to make fun of this strange ability of mine to be thrown off violently while motionless. It was then that I vowed to never ride a mechanical bull again, lest I be taunted a second time. That's kind of what yesterday was like, only this bull was metaphoric, and represented my emotions.

I tried hanging onto that emotional bull for dear life, riding as it bucked and kicked (do bulls buck and kick?), in a manner not unlike the flailing, limb-whip-strip dance I do when there's a spider on me. Which, holy hell, that is scary.

Anyway, I tried to stay on, had several close calls, and then, when I actually realized everything was okay (this essentially being the "motionless" moment), I fell off the damn bull. I lost my grip and the tears they did fall...while at work...sitting in my closet-office...with my male co-worker. It was pretty. Pretty awesome.

 Luckily he had his headphones in and I could stiffle my sniffles by tapping loudly on the keyboard, real official like.

So, after riding the bull all day, I was completely exhausted. I went home after work and basically spent a large amount of time doing this:

It was not one of my prouder moments, but it was one of my more delicious ones.

This actually reminds me of the book making class I took in college. For one project we had to create a book based on the theme "my tears taste like chocolate."

Clearly, my tears taste like Nutella.

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