Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pipe Dream

I was just thinking about all the things I wanted to be as a child. Let me tell you, my dream was to over-achieve.

Besides wanting a pink poodle, pink car, and a pink house, I can distinctly remember several careers I wanted to have all at the same time. First, to be a basketball player. I probably realized early on this was never going to happen. I never played sports in high school, and have had the coordination of jello since I was about five. I also aspired to be like my hero, James Herriot. Not only was he a veterinarian, but he wrote and illustrated childrens books! For the love of Pete! This guy did it all! This alone would be no small task, but on top of it all, I wanted to be...a hairdresser. Yes, a hairdresser. I suppose when I got a little older, I'd have realized how much people paid to have their pets groomed and applied the hairdressing to the vet profession and viola! Occupation numero cinco! Talk about having a lot on your plate!

Finally, in second grade, I found my true calling: a mighty morphing power ranger! Try as I might, though, it turned out to be a really tough gig to get into. I began my search anew...

Then, as I grew up and became more practical, I fixated on becoming...the lead singer of a band. In fourth grade I tried to start a female singing group at recess called "Seven Cities." The concept (yes, in fourth grade I had a concept!) was that there would be seven girls in the band, and we'd each be a city. Oh, my young genius still amazes me! But by the end of one recess, nearly all twenty girls in my grade had signed on for stardom, and we weren't getting anything done. That's when I gave up on the industry. Besides, I knew we'd never be as good as the Spice Girls, and really, who'd want to compete?
Still, several years later I took a couple singing lessons, never getting very far. I was shy, and sensitive, and if recess rock band had taught me anything, the music industry was merciless.

Since then, though, I have had far less specific professional desires. All in due time, I suppose. For now I'll practice my grooming skills on my's always good to have a back-up plan...

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