Friday, May 28, 2010

Piece by puzzling piece

I think I am slowly hatching a plan. This is not just any plan, mind you. This is a LIFE plan. I know, I never thought I'd see the day either! Oh, excitement, it is upon us!

I do realize this "life plan" isn't a "forever" plan. I remember seeing that Nia Vardalos movie, My Life in Ruins, and the hott Greek man saying something like, "Life plan? How do you plan for life?" Very valid point, Mr. Hott-Greek-Man. I commend you. How do you plan for life?

Life is constantly changing, and so am I. What I choose to do now with my life may change, even before I begin to realize it myself. Which generally seems to be the case. I think we all are a little behind the curve of life's changes. But, still, my essential attack plan for my recent-future is as follows: take courses in journalism/photography at a local state school to see if it's a true interest of mine, and then, potentially, move on to grad school...or new classes to test my next big interest.

Yes, it is somewhat vague and open, but I hate being tied down. I refuse to jump into grad school, an expenisve undertaking for sure (I think at this point paying in a pound of my own flesh would be cheaper and actually easier), when I am just not sure that this is, definitively, what I want to do with my recent-future life. It's perposterous to me that some people have knowingly done so, even in their self-understood uncertainty. Yes, the job market is like the proverbial hay stack and finding an actual, fulfilling job is the needle. I understand the terror in that. College was supposed to prepare us for the "real world," and make us attractive potential-employees. As I recall it, pre-college, I thought upon completing my degree there'd fist fights and businesses competing fervently over who wanted to hire me.

Alright...that was a bit overstated and completely dramatic, but essentially, I thought it'd be a breeze when it's almost exactly the opposite. It's people fighting for the jobs, and many that have been laid off are applying for and winning whatever low-rung jobs are actually available because they are way over-qualified for the positions. Luckily for me I had been temping on-and-off for a company that took me back under their protective wing once I graduated. I am faced, however, with the possibility of losing my cushy, if not mind-numbing, temporary position if the company is bought out, which is likely. Right now the company is on the chopping block, and, in favor of keeping the head and company jewels, we're about to lose some limbs. So the bleak outlook is not lost on me. Though, as I mentioned, I am not going to go to grad school as my last, extremely expensive, resort.

I am kind of excited, though! And nervous as hell. Money is tight. I've never been much of an over-achiever, and getting a part-time job for more money makes me squirm. Do not get me wrong, I am all about doing a job and doing it the best it can be done! However, I do not sacrifice my down time...a job is a job, it is not a life. I need my down time to keep my sanity. So a second job really is the last of the last resorts for me. Heck, I will "donate" (is it really donating if they pay you?) my eggs before I have to have another job on top of my 40 hour work week!

I understand photojournalism, if I do find this is what I want to do/pursue, isn't necessarily a big bread winner, especially just starting out. But I do love/miss taking photos, and despite my horrible grammar and spelling, oh, an lack of structure, I do enjoy writing too. Of course I have lofty dreams of success and being more of a travel photographer, going wherever I want, whenever I want, photographing what I see and what I experience. This is pretty unrealistic, and I know that. But shootin' high's better than not shootin' at all.

And, uh, if you're reading this and work for the Travel Channel, call me...

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